Monday, January 19, 2009

Keep it down now, voices carry.

I never used to care about football, or team sports in general. I still don't, for the most part. I don't sit and watch countless hours of ex-players and former coaches analyzing an inherently simple game. I don't have a Sunday routine. I don't read the sports section except in July, for the Tour de France.

That hasn't changed in the past few months for the most part, but with a small exception. I now care about only one professional sporting team, in only one professional sport. I'm on the bandwagon, and waving a yellow towel with vigor.


Tomorrow the nation switches presidents. That's as simple as it is. It isn't complicated. It isn't an ushering in of new ideals or a goodbye to virtual tyranny. America will be in the same situation it's been in for decades, and the lack of significant reform and change will not be Barack Obama's fault. It will be yours. It will be mine. It will be ours.

If you really, truly, deeply want to change America, burn it the fuck down and start over.

That's a good song, but not my favorite song of theirs by a long shot.-BK

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