Friday, January 30, 2009

Digital Bathwater.

Somedays your alarm goes off at 3:30 in the morning, and you're all like, "fuck this shit" and you pick up your phone and call in sick. Even though you're just a little sick. Sick time rules!

Girly man!

Can some explain to me why Indians love big dance numbers so much? Every Bollywood movie I've ever seen... HUGE dance numbers! Why?!

I shave in the shower, usually once a week. Easy kids, just my face. I will not encourage your dirty thoughts today. It's just that I don't ever even look in the mirror while shaving anymore. Just drag and rinse. Drag and rinse. Oh, the joys of an Eastern European/Irish gene pool. No real hair growth to speak of on the face or legs, but a lot on the back and in the nose. Sexy like Mr. Bean.

I'm rather excited about the possibility of winning Superbowl tickets. The normalcy of my daily activities is quite horrifying to me sometimes.

Not one, not two, but, wait... yeah, TWO shows tomorrow night! Look for me in Lawrenceville at The New Amsterdam, and in a suburb/township/borough/whatever right outside of Pittsburgh at Sunny Jim's with Billy Elmer. I don't know why every comic in Pittsburgh puts "with Billy Elmer" when they do one of his shows, but I'm not one to challenge the eons old traditions of comedy. I go with the flow, because in this game, you're either moving or dying. You can move upstream, but why fight? The New Amsterdam is FREE! Sunny Jim's is affordable, because, after all, in this economy, you can't afford NOT to laugh a bit. Elmer needs to pay his mortgage, yo.

After those two shows, I'll be out dancing it up with the kids, homies, and friends of Ben Kenny worldwide! If you don't know where, you're nowhere. Wordplay rules.

What do Ted Haggard and Rod Blagojevich have in common? Hair and steel balls.

All you are. Everything. Give totally of yourself.-BK

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