Friday, January 9, 2009

He liked the job, liked the area, liked everything.

Double shift yesterday was exhausting, but there was a dance night too hot to miss last night, so I hit that up too. I was awake for over 24 hours, and my body is mad at me today.

At this point in my life, knowing my credit score is kind of moot.

Work Christmas party tomorrow night. I will be restrained, personable, and holding myself to one drink an hour. Why is my work Christmas party in the middle of January? Because I'm in the travel industry, that's why.

Listing some shit on craigslist and going to see the new Clint movie. Too busy and important to write much more today.

Trish and Steve are holding my copy of this movie hostage. They keep it next to their copy of The Aristocats. Their children are at horrible risk.


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