Saturday, January 3, 2009

Not like they didn't know.

Double shift at the job yesterday. Somewhat worn out, but I picked up hours today anyways. Bankers hours actually, nine to five-thirty, which allowed for almost seven glorious hours of sleep last night.

When I came home, I peeled off most of my layers of clothing, took my socks off, sipped a beer while reading a magazine, and promptly collapsed. I'm either ready for anything or too exhausted to move. There is rarely a "normal" for me it seems.

I'm still looking for some time this month. Holla at me! My abortion material is cutting edge! Mostly because it's literally about cutting babies out of the womb with an Exacto knife I shoplifted from a 24 hour Wal-Mart. I had to shoplift because I only had enough money to get a pack of Marlboro Reds and the new Taylor Swift album.

Although I'm sick of the recent cultural resurgence of "Don't Stop Believin'" I've come the realization that Journey is, always was, and always will be, totally fucking awesome. If you meet someone who claims to hate Journey, chances are they're a hipster douche, and they probably secretly dance to "Open Arms" while they're all alone in their close-to-gentrified neighborhood apartment. I should know, as I used to publicly profess a hatred for Journey, but always went "Perry" while showering. I've aged though. Matured, I guess you could say. Journey is awesome when used in sound dosages, but like anything, when it's overdone, it's unpleasant.

My skin is cracked at the base of my fingernails. I think I bled lightly but steadily for about an hour yesterday, as the back of my hand and fingers were covered in dried blood when I took my work gloves off for lunch. I had Boca chicken with swiss microwavable sandwiches. They weren't terribly good. I will not be buying them again, as two dollars for a premade sandwich is pretty steep.

Holy shit! It looks like we're actually getting our money's worth from this little government project! More than a billion people on this planet do not have readily available clean water, medical care, or electricity, but we can put robots on planets that are literally years away. Absurdity beyond belief. We have intimate knowledge of Martian terrian, but the other side of our planet is a foreign galaxy we'll never understand, except that those people aren't white and Christian, so they hold no value, apparently.

Hell of a voice on this guy. Good songwriting too. The chorus is killer.

I haven't pooped in three days, even considering the four Mexican meals and cups of coffee. I'm getting a little worried. I'm sure it will happen today, probably while a plane is on the ground, because my bowel is a prick.

La de dum,-BK

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