Friday, January 2, 2009

Mean like average?

I WILL NOT BE SATISFIED UNTIL SOMEONE DIES IN AN EXTRAORDINARY, SPECTACULAR, RED BULL LOGO-COVERED FASHION!!!!!!! The drop was incredible though. Maybe the straight-up craziest thing seen on a motorcycle since Pastrana's double backflip.

This is the first time I've ever began writing a blog in a coffee shop. I'm so modern it's scary. I've taken to a mid-afternoon coffee on days I work. It's a nice way to boost the old energy level, as waking up at 3:30 AM leaves me quite "sleep friendly" by 2 or so. It doesn't matter how much or how little sleep I've gotten the night before, I always feel a shade tired after an early morning shift.

I am sitting here(here being the Fox Chapel Caribou Coffee) in my work uniform, so I look sort of like a Smurf in a hunting lodge.

There is a woman sitting in my peripheral vision who seems to be deep into something on her own computer screen. I don't want to crane my neck/turn my head, but I'm fairly sure she's biting her lip and I know she isn't rubbing her neck/upper chest in a casual manner.

From somewhere behind me: "<Asian words, asian words, asian words,> Barry, <asian words.>"

Going to see Brad Pitt in a David Fincher movie. More later.

Five or six hours later...


Wow. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Magical and awe-inspiring. I cried a few times. This is possibly the best Fincher film, which says a hell of a lot, because he also directed Se7en, Fight Club, and The Game. The theater was pretty crowded, it being a holiday and all, and it was dead silent throughout the movie, save for moments of laughter. Everyone in that theatre was transfixed, and things like that are the reason I believe most movies should be seen in movie theaters.

I totally fucked up two grilled cheeses last night, which sucked. The coup de dat was the undercooking of my french fries. Surly dining.

However, I went out and stumbled upon some veggie tortilla soup, and it was oh so very good, and I was content. Then I realized I'd eaten dinner three times in one day, and grunted forlornly.

Talked with a bar owner about a possible night. More or less information to come.

Brief vacation booked in late February as a quarter century birthday gift to myself. Hotel and car for two days for about a hundred bucks. I vacation simply, but I live to the max. Vegas is gonna feel me!

I stopped into the porn store today because uh... I um... enjoy visual masturbation aids... and the friendly and knowledgeable clerk gave me a free sample of lube that had Aloe vera in it. Ladies and gents, if you're bumping, tugging, and/or grinding hard enough to need holistic medicine in your viscosity aid, give me a shout. I'd like to meet you. We can get some pizza and a hotel room off of a turnpike exit somewhere. I promise not to take any pictures! Unless you'd be into that. You wouldn't be into that, would you? OK, cool. It's cool. I'm just saying, I think you could be a model. I'm serious. You really should let me take those pictures. Think it over.

The best marketing strategy of all time. I'd buy one! It's four hundred dollars, and worth every goddamn penny!

You're thinking of Dick Van Dyke, not Dick Van Patten.-BK

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