Saturday, January 24, 2009

His name is Rick Astley, you stupid fuck.

Somedays, it seems like you're just laying upon your mattress reading about comic books when something wholly unexpected happens, and it makes your whole day, natch, your whole weekend.

I'm not gonna tell you what it was, but when I got the news, I smiled from ear to ear. A few select readers will know exactly what I'm talking about, and I know they all got a laugh out of it too!

Thanks for the calls and emails of concern. I'm fine. Just busy with things somewhat more important than blathering on and on everyday. I mostly write this as a form of intellectual stimuli, but my genius has been away on more pressing matters as of late. It was nice to know that I've been missed in some small way.

Sometimes I slow dance in my head when this song comes on. The heart is wrenched.

Gotta spray less and fan more.-BK

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