Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Section Ate.

Move to New York, or buy a house? Buy a house, or move to New York? One thing is for sure, either way, my parents are going to worry.

While I'm still quite motivated to move to Le Apple Grand, I also know that I'll have to work exceptionally hard to sustain my existence there, and I'd really like to be a little bit more comfortable financially. I would like my focus to be on doing shows and going on auditions, not "do I have enough money to pay rent?" I want to give 100% of myself to it, and I'm not entirely sure I'm in the position to effectively do that right now.

And believe it or not, I really, really like living in Pittsburgh. This town is what it is, and it is what and how you make it to be. I have friends and familiarity here, and perhaps purchasing a home would be advisable.

Although my future residency is in limbo, I know that I'm very likely not ever going to live in Chicago again. I've been there, done it, and have more to see. And you know what? I never even lived in Chicago! I'm from the suburbs. Going into the city to see shows and living in the city are two different things, and people always fail to see that.

Went out dancing two nights in a row this week. Fun. Sweaty. Somewhat sore.

Dane Cook was on last night at the bar. Nobody really laughed, because it was closed captioned. When forced to read his material, even laypersons realize how banal and uninteresting it really is.

I have a weird zit. It's located squarely on the "overhang" of my gut, right about 5 inches above the "power rod." As I do with all things zit, I popped it. It gushed more "zit pus" than I'd ever seen come out of my body. Shit was disgusting. I should have held a tablespoon underneath it. Then it started bleeding. It was half pus, half blood at first, but turned to regular blood after a bit, and it just continued to bleed. I even stained a t shirt! I'll just tell anyone who notices that it's a pen stain, I guess.

Lunch at the Quiet Storm yesterday. Delicious. My stomach decided to wait until we were in the middle of watching The Omen to tell me that the milkshake wanted out. So I hit pause, walked to the bathroom, and evacuated so thoroughly and well that I should consult on hurricane preparedness for large coastal cities.

Two or three of you are probably wondering which version of the film I was referring to. Two or three more of you know goddamn well that it's the original, and in my(our?) opinion, only, version that I was speaking of.

Extra hours at work today. Sweet.

Very, very good at their chosen genre.

I may be at the Moose tonight. I may not. You should be though. You really should be. I'd love to see you there! If I come. Which I might. Maybe.

Weird Al should have a place on Obama's staff.

No. No chance of that happening.-BK

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