Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have no problem with using steroids for business-related reasons. It's odd though, because how many other 62 year-old action stars are there? Gotta stay on top I guess, even when you own the mountain.

His new joint, The Expendables, in addition to his participation, features names like Rourke, Bullock, Kingsley, Lundgren, Knepper, Li, and Whitaker. The entire synopsis? "A group of mercenaries travel to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator." This may very well be the greatest popcorn action flick ever!

The Republican party elected their first black national party chairman. Now to do something about all that poverty, inequality, and prejudice they've been perpetuating for the last three decades. On a less cynical note, I guess Barack is already getting black people jobs! Wheee!

I just saw "one guy, one cup." Google it if you dare! It's definitely NSFW.

Mandatory overtime tomorrow. So much for a fun Sunday watching the game. Super pissed.

I've already forgotten.-BK

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