Monday, January 5, 2009


I was looking forward to going out last night. Since I had time to kill, I decided to take a nap at 7:30, setting my phone's alarm for two hours later. I left my phone downstairs, and as a result, slept until 1:15. So much for fun.

On the job training tonight for the second job. I wonder if I should wear my long underwear or not? I know for sure that I'm going to the Quiet Storm for some tasty goodness for lunch today. Can you say "Spicy Peanut?" I'm salivating right now!

Not only am I too lazy to work out as hard as I need to, I'm too lazy to walk across the room to my workout journal and document my failures. Laying prone is better than moving.

OMG, I totally rock my khakis with a cuff and a crease too! I don't rock a Nina though. Only a .45 resides in this gangsta's waistband. Hydrostatic shock, yo.

I'm somewhat of a fighter, but in a lot of instances, just knowing(along with your friends) that you're "better" can end a battle before it begins, and you can all eat from a victory platter of nachos while you have a good laugh.

Goddamn I love nachos. People should really be more aware of nachos' influence and presence in their lives. Nachos are food's Jesus. Remember that one sporting event? That great concert? That night of drinking that's only comparable to 300 in terms of excellence? Chances are nachos were there. Nachos would die for you.

Out of respect to my partners, I do not discuss the relationships I'm in or have been in here on the ol' blog. Suffice to say, I've been entirely single, i.e. no dating, no barroom hanky panky, no nothing for a few months now, and have really enjoyed life sans any romantic entanglements whatsoever. One could even say the time away and alone has helped to center me, and I know for sure that it's sharpened my focus and strengthened my resolve. Hopefully, I'll find myself someone more suited to life with me(I'm very weird, both mentally and physically) in New York. I don't even have a "type" really, people just seem to come in and out of my life at will. As I get older, I think I should have asked some of them to stay around a bit longer, and done more to keep them around, but I can't rebuild what I've always made sure to totally destroy.

In addition to all of that, being single means no shaving my back. It seriously looks like a baby jungle right now.

On a long, winding, mountain road, my friend.-BK

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