Wednesday, January 7, 2009

...when she shines she really shows you all she can.

What is this resurgence of men wearing hats to (and during) their weddings? I can understand the appeal and tradition of a top hat with a classic, three piece tuxedo, but a fedora? You've got to be fucking kidding me! A groom's outfit is supposed to compliment the bride's gown in a subtle, classy way, not outshine it! I just don't know anymore. I don't even know where this little rant sprouted from! Unless you're a rapper, a gangster, or a gangsta rapper, don't wear a hat to your wedding! This goes double for people from Long Island!


Track Bike Times Edit #2 from Matthew Rice on Vimeo.

Got back on the stage tonight after a holiday hiatus of a few weeks. Instead of doing my normal act, I hosted, which is both good and bad. Good, because it's a break from the sometimes monotonous feeling one gets working material over and over. Bad, because it's hosting, and it's very hard for me to discern between having fun with the comics and being a dick to the comics, which forces me to be cautious, especially because it's not my room. Either way, I'd say the Smiling Moose is fast becoming a great place for Pittsburgh comics of all backgrounds to work material. The crowds are often sparse, but sometimes it's not about much more than drinking with your funny-ass friends and having repeated laughs about 9-11 and not feeling uncomfortable for laughing about it.

The highlight of the evening for me was the relative success of my John Travolta's chin/richter scale joke. I was stoked on the isolated but loud laughs. Seems there's smart folks about Pittsburgh after all!

I went to see Marley and Me yesterday. As it is with every film adaptation, it wasn't as good as the book. I did find the storytelling and acting quite proficient, and it crushed me to see the dog getting older, and eventually dying, on screen.

It hit a little close to home, because I'm not sure if I'm going to see my dog alive, in person, ever again. In fact, during my visit home for the holidays, I said a private goodbye to him while everyone else in the house was asleep, and it broke my heart. It was one of the hardest, most emotional things I've ever had to do.

People who've never had a relatively sentient pet, i.e. a dog, cat, parrot, ferret, etc.. will never be able to understand and respect the connection some of us have to our animals. My dog, Otis, was my best friend throughout my pubescent years. When I had a hard day or some inconsequential problem, playing ball with him or taking him for a walk was often my way of overcoming it. A human will never bond with another human in the way they bond with an animal. When he passes, it's going to be very, very hard for me to deal with, but such is life.

I may attempt to make a pizza today. I will mostly likely just saute some vegetables and throw them on top of a plain cheese frozen pizza when it's about halfway done cooking instead.

I'm currently listening to the first Britney Spears album. I don't know what else to say.

They were always green.-BK

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