Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cash and carry.

I did venture out last night. I went dancing, and I had fun. I sweated a lot, as is customary when one is overweight and involved in athletic activities.

It's dishwashing day. (That's right. I only wash dishes once a week. Take it.) While attempting to remove some petrified spaghetti sauce using super-baggage handler strength, I managed to crack a plate in half, cutting the shit out of my thumb in the process.

It was/is a motherfucker of a cut. One of those cuts you have to watch for a few hours, debating if it needs to be sutured or glued shut. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be okay with cotton ball/electrical tape dressing, as my cholesterol is obviously high enough to prevent any life-threatening blood loss. As I type this now, it still hurts. It is throbbing! Grr..

At what point did Alec Baldwin go from handsome leading man to fat guy supporting actor? How did the world seem to miss this transition? Somebody out there, please, pinpoint exactly when this happened!

Malice(Watch his eyes. PERFECT acting.)

Glengarry Glen Ross(The accent. The pacing. PERFECT.)

30 Rock(The best show on TV.)

Fuck it.-BK

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