Monday, May 19, 2008

Where's Ops?

Dancing was great. Much stress was left upon the small, smoky, uneven dance floor.

I have spent my work day watching a mixture of shit, urine, and chemically treated water drain through a clear hose less than two feet from my face. Don't tell me about how "shitty" your day was. I win, hands down.

Apparently, there is some sort of hockey team here in Pittsburgh. More on this as news filters in. I hear they consume mass quantities of meat and draft beer in relation to this "hockey team," so it must be rather popular.

Too many people know Christopher Walken solely through his SNL appearances, work in disposable comedy films, or, worst of all, through the horribly underdeveloped impressions of countless comedians using his iconic presentation/delivery as a cover for a lack of originality in their acts. Kevin Pollack is exempt from this last statement.

I give you "The Dead Zone." Probably my favorite Christopher Walken movie. The man can really act. This was made by the same guy who directed "Scanners," and "Eastern Promises." It was written by Stephen King. Anthony Michael Hall should've taken better notes... Oh yeah, brief nudity, so be prepared.

Finalizing some travel plans.

She was cracking up. Totally nuts. Still hit it though.-B

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