Friday, May 16, 2008

Things have gone from shit to vomit.

If you're reading this on blogspot, you know I'm rapidly approaching 200 posts. If you're reading this on Myspace, you know I'm well above 200 posts. Do you know what 200 posts means? Nothing. Not a damn thing. Life will continue regardless.

The dance floor was soul-crushingly empty yesterday.

Laundry all day long today.

I am really excited about my set tonight. More excited than I have been since I started doing comedy on a regular basis. The fire is fully burning in the furnace again. The pilot light never went out, but it flickered for a few months. Time to shed the blankets and woolen socks, and start sleeping naked, so to speak, metaphorically and whatnot.. (I really do sleep naked, though.)

Tim Curry really deserves a lifetime achievement award or something. At least throw this guy a big fucking bone!

Legend(Too few have seen this film. Awesome.)

IT(Fuck you if this didn't scare the shit out of you when you were younger!)

The Rocky Horror Picture Show(In a role he originated.)

I'm eating hummus today.-BK

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