Saturday, May 31, 2008

Roll with it baby.

Today was a lazy Saturday, which is no different than most Saturdays for me, but today was especially lazy.

I didn't bother to put on pants until I ventured out to Target around 7:00pm. Even then, I rocked my Vans sans socks, and didn't bother to change the t-shirt I'd been wearing for three days. I would have felt right at home at Wal-Mart. Perhaps even a West Virginia Wal-Mart. Fucking class.

I spent about an hour in Target, damn near a record for me. I am getting older, becoming my mother, in fact, as I walked up and down every aisle in the store, comparing prices on pain relievers, body wash, and detergent. In a moment of self-realization, sheer terror, and barely held control of my shit, I found myself staring at a nose hair trimmer for a while, because, at the mere age of twenty-four, I find myself trimming nose hair once a week or so. Tragic.

Things in the cart included white bread, MorningStar asian patties and burgers, a t-shirt, French's mustard, Heinz Ketchup, some totally badass Uniball pens (only used for writing material and the screenplay), and a bag of Gala apples.

Items not in the cart included ice cube trays, as Target does not sell them. I still do not have ice-making ability here, but I seem to be doing alright without it. Also, the nose hair clippers stayed on the shelf. I am not yet ready to concede defeat to my genes.

Dane is getting better, becoming less of a burden on my day. Sweet.

I cannot wait to go dancing tonight. I am going to Ceremony this week, and I look fly.

So apparently, a lot of people read this. You are all, always, welcome to comment, whether you agree or disagree with me. All I ask is that you do so in a respectful manner.

Focused on the funny for the summer. Good things will be happening. Maybe not in Pittsburgh unfortunately, but somewhere, for some comedian, something good will happen.

There is some sort of hockey game going on tonight. Meh. Uh, GO PENS!?

I need to get new spectacles.

I am keeping my eye out for a pair of really badass pants. The color will be black, but the material is to be decided upon location of said pants.

I have been listening to this album, and this song in particular, a lot lately. It makes me want to unbutton my shirt more and do cocaine while receiving a blowjob, but have you seen the coke prices lately? Incredible guitar playing. Rock and roll with out the smart-ass, ironic smiles. Ladies and gents, The Darkness!

Well, somebody's gonna have to call this in.-BK

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