Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Slip

Really fucking idylic day here in the 'burgh.

Rolled out of bed around ten am, giving thanks to fate and invisible men in the sky for not wrecking my car on the Parkway last night. Came close. Too close.

Rode the bicycle around town a bit today. Had lunch at the Quiet Storm, my favorite PGH restaurant. Although everything on the menu is delicious and excellent, I got my "usual," the Spicy Peanut. It's a wrap with tofu, peanut butter, raisins, lettuce, and pepper sauce. It is unbelievably tasty!

Sat in a park and people watched/read a book.

Invested more tax money in a new bag. I am one of those people who carry a bag everywhere. I am stoked on the bag. I will let you know how it goes. It looks able to withstand a direct hit from a nuclear warhead, so it should last a year or two in my daily use.

Bike and bus commute from now on.

Must go dance now!

Really, have you ever seen a midget who wasn't limping?-BK

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