Dancing was "off" last night.
It was a weird room, mostly due to the holiday weekend. The floor was douchebag heavy, i.e. people holding conversations, popped collars on pastel polo shirts, and Chicago Cubs jerseys. If I wanted that shit, I would hang out at the "big" clubs, that play the worst music, and make the worst drinks(still sober). I was seriously considering leaving, but I knew the one o'clock hour would clear most of them out, and it did, and I got down. Mission accomplished.
I hate people who dance with drinks and/or cigarettes in their hands. That ain't dancing, because you aren't letting your arms move with the music!! As the veritable God of all things white, young, and suburban, Eminem, has said, "You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go."
I'm not sure what all that just meant, but punch me the next time you see me. I suck for being inspired by his lyrics.
Apparently, the sporting team from Detroit is slightly better than the sporting team from Pittsburgh, although both teams are among the best of their class, for this year at least. I still trying to figure out where Heinz Ward fits in, but I'm getting there. Cooked meat and draft beer prevail, and I make myself scarce.
I think, on a whole, Detroit also is superior to Pittsburgh in overall depression, but only because Windsor is so close, and nobody bothers to move!
This is Dane. I decided to name him after Dane Cook. Both cause me serious pain, and force me to stop what I'm doing and cringe when they make their presence known. One will be totally gone in two or three weeks. One will not. I would gladly live with this cut if I could choose which one could disappear...
This is Dane today. He still hurts like a bitch. Even though I had him bandaged up at work, putting and taking off my gloves was still agony. So bad, in fact, that I had to do it with no one around, so they wouldn't here me whimper like a little girl.
I have a show Friday night, and I am ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!!
You best get a fucking cheese pizza!-BK
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