Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We got a little break. Like, two hours, I think.

Jimmy Fallon has been chosen as the successor to Conan. This is surely a sign of the upcoming global apocalypse. People like Jimmy Fallon and Dane Cook are the worst, most annoying, and least technically proficient kind of comedian, i.e. they think everything they say and do is funny. If you've ever sat through Taxi(the movie, not the show) you know this is certainly not the case. In my defense, I only sat through it because it cost me nothing, and Queen Latifah was in it. I have a weird "thing" for her. Mo'nique too. Damn sexy woman, that one.

Here's a thought. If you're going to be around Chicago/Wisconsin on Memorial Day weekend, look me up. Lots of beer consumption, and mixed drink sippin'. I am not looking forward to this trip, because I think it might be the last time I see my dog. Bummer for sure.

That's all for today.

Look for some comedy video next week, midweek.

Once I start, I cannot stop myself!-BK

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