Monday, May 12, 2008

Time to make some motherfucking donuts, bitch.

I was dancing last night. I found myself holding back a little. Couldn't seem to "flow" as well as I would have liked to. Sorry.

The hunt for an "every other" Saturday dance floor is officially on, as my regular Saturday has grown stale and very redundant. It is quite possibly the only non-gay dance floor on earth that is a sausagefest, to use the parlance of our times. The true irony is that it's Ceremony, a self-proclaimed "dark alternative dance night" but nobody seems to want to dance. Also, no one wants to hear three hours of non-stop Euro EBM. Fuck up the mix! FUCK IT UP! Oh well, let them lurk in the shadows and smoke cigarettes for all I care! Fuck em'.

PETER MURPHY IS COMING TO PITTSBURGH! Bauhaus/Peter Murphy is something I've only listened to for the past two and a half years or so, but the influence this man's voice has had on virtually every goth/dark/etc singer is incredible. I will be at this show, come hell or high water!!!

I'll probably be seeing Speed Racer at some point this week. I'll let you know.

Really turning a comedy corner. Whether I'm heading down a road to the gentrified, semi-urban place I hope to reach, or towards the suburban sprawl of mindless club comedy remains to be seen. I will learn this summer.

I almost pissed on a homeless guy last night.-BK

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