Thursday, May 15, 2008

If you show me heaven, I will meet you there.

Gonna dance tonight. Have to dance tonight. MUST dance tonight!!

It has been a shit day at work, and throwing down will be more productive and better than getting drunk. I need to shed this stress. I was so pissed earlier, so angry, that my arms and torso were shaking from the adrenaline. I was right though, and my coworkers seem to have affirmed this, so it's cool. Relatively cool, at least.

My show Saturday is early enough to afford me an evening out. I am in a bit of a bind though. There is a British Dance Night I've been meaning to check out, or a concert put on by local heroes Venus In Furs(

The problem with Venus in Furs, a band I've seen twice, is their lead singer. On stage, the band itself is tight. They play well, have decent sound, write good music, and perhaps most importantly, seem to have "it." But the lead singer, ugh. He takes away from what this band could be. Drunken louts do not make good rock stars.

The problem with Lava Lounge, a venue I've been to more than twice, is the extreme level of hipster douchebags, both male and female, present on seemingly all nights at all times. It feels awkward dancing in there. The floor is small, the DJ booth is literally across the room(meaning the DJ can't really monitor a floor as well as he/she should be, imho) and it feels like everyone is afraid to dance. Drinks are overpriced and under made as well.

I think I'm going British Dance Night, but I'm not sure yet. They best play Killing Joke at least once.

Made some BBQ tofu earlier. It was a failure. I ate it though, because I did not want the culinary effort, which was considerable, to go to waste.

Oh baby!-BK

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