Thursday, May 8, 2008

Madonna is good for the soul.

While immensely bored and lacking stimuli at work today, I decided to spin some Madonna for myself.

No one ever really talks serious, mean-spirited shit on Madonna. There's a reason for that.

She is roughly equivalent to the fucking Beatles.

Now in her early fifties, Madonna has been relevant to American music since about the time I was born(1984).

Her music is not extraordinary. It won't win a lot of awards. It doesn't push barriers.

What it does do, almost constantly, is evolve, change, and grow with pop culture's ever-changing tastes and wants.

Madonna videos are almost always timeless, and often without peer. The set design, cinematography, editing, and direction were cutting edge when they were made, and, if you've watched any MTV in the past five years, you'll agree, blow anything made today out of the water, high into the air, and 15 miles inland.

People say "sex sells," and by that trite little cultural quip, Madonna must have her name on a lot of sales plaques.

She's never been degrading to herself, or to women in general. She's never been a mere sex object. She has always been some to be desired, something to be craved, and something some people aspire to be.

I am an unapologetic, unashamed fan of Madonna, and I always will be!

The following are three relatively random videos. Watch and respect.

My favorite Madonna song? Borderline! My favorite video? Material Girl!

Express Yourself


Die Another Day

Keep it mad real, yo.-BK

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