Thursday, May 22, 2008

Erase and Rewind.

I went out to see Forgetting Sarah Marshall yesterday. I know it's been in the theaters for a while, but I've been really poor, and on an awkward work schedule. I thought it was moderately funny. I was kind of upset to find out the movie was merely produced by Judd Apatow, and not written or directed by him.

Stone sober for a few days now. The hardest part of my "booze sabbaticals" is always the first few days, so I should be able to relax a little.

Dancing tonight. It's going to be weird drinking water/soda whilst busting sweet ass moves, but I think I can handle it, as I don't usually get "Nick Nolte drunk" when dancing anyways.

If you're reading this via Facebook, you need to start reading it from myspace or blogspot, as I often upload photos and videos, and you simply aren't getting the full experience of my blog without them. If you're reading this on Facebook, you probably are just some random person I went to high school with anyways, and you aren't of major importance to me, so, well, uh, fuck it, I suppose.

Big list of shit to accomplish this weekend. Wheeee!

The queerest of the queer.-BK

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