Sunday, February 1, 2009

Forever's gonna start tonight.

Took a "movie" shower after work yesterday. You know the kind. Steam everywhere, room somewhat dark, solitary figure in profile hunched under the water, head bowed, eyes closed. Just thirty minutes of relaxation between a bad day at work and a busy, but infinitely fun, evening.


Pittsburgh 11:07 PM, Sunday, February 1st 2009

I'm just back from Belvedere's where I watched one hell of a football game. Pittsburgh won in the last two minutes, which made for a heart-wrenching, soul-crushing, exciting and uplifting kind of game.

Like all good fans, we exited the bar to celebrate, simply CELEBRATE, on the streets for a little while and were met by unnecessarily aggressive Pittsburgh police officers looking for a fight. Riot gear, dogs, paddy wagons, etc... They closed the street to traffic, and then prevented us from celebrating in said street. Kind of weird, but as poet laureate of the streets, Ice Cube, once said, FUCK DA POLICE! We had fun anyways.

Steelers now, and Steelers forever!

He's drunk officer, just relax, we'll keep him on the sidewalk!-BK

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