Sunday, June 1, 2008

Made with real cheese.

Dancing was alright yesterday, although my left knee seems to be protesting all the increased physical activity. I have been biking, working my ass off, and dancing quite a bit lately. As more lard departs my midsection, perhaps my knee will complain less. I danced for barely an hour, but the mix was good, so I was content with doing what I felt safe and comfortable doing.

While chilling at my usual table, I noticed The Exorcist was playing on the TVs. Even if forced to read subtitles, it is still a benchmark film. Not a benchmark horror film. A benchmark film, period. If you haven't seen it in it's full, uncut, unedited glory, you really, really need to. It is so disturbing.

Same very tame dialogue from the only movie I've ever heard the word "cunting" in:

Pazuzu: I'm not Regan.
Father Damien Karras: Well, then let's introduce ourselves. I'm Damien Karras.
Pazuzu: And I'm the Devil. Now kindly undo these straps.
Father Damien Karras: If you're the Devil, why not make the straps disappear?
Pazuzu: That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.

Today I found out I could have had the day off, which would have made it possible for me to have been in California this weekend for my cousin's wedding. I was not pleased.

Comedy show Friday at Villa Reale in dilapidated, dirty, and economically depressed downtown Pittsburgh! 7pm. Buy me a slice o' cheese, and maybe some garlic bread. By now you must surely know I drink Mountain Dew.

The Cup is not leaving Detroit. Evidently their Italian sausage is better than our Italian sausage or something. I really have no idea how it works. I did almost hit about 20 drunk, obese, and identically dressed hockey fans on my way into the city last night, so perhaps Pittsburghers are just collectively dumber than our Michigan rivals?

I've been thinking of taking aerobics...

He had a very "dead cat" kind of vibe to him.-BK

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