Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Check it yourself.

I see a lot of fucked up movies. By choice. I seek them out. Imprint takes the cake. That's all I can really divulge about it. It takes the cake. It's cake you don't even want to eat, but can't stop eating. A really interesting test of one's "taste." It is good to be challenged by film. After all, it's fiction, mostly, so how offensive can it really be?

Everyone who gets down, has gotten down, or plans to get down should own Lady Gaga's The Fame. The only way it'd be better is if Akon didn't make guest appearances, but it's still really fucking good. "Bluffin' with my muffin." Fantastic.

Comedy was fun last night. Comedy is not always fun if you're a comedian, but it was fun last night. Chill crowd, but fuck it, you just gotta move forward and bring "it." Which I did. Because I am just that good.

I kind of hate how politics has gotten back to normal. America needs the stimulus package to pass. Although I support a "let them all fail" philosophy, if they all failed at once, it would end the comfortable existence we all seem to be enjoying, so we need to bail out the oppressive corporate bastards, even if we hate their guts.

Just because Demitri Martin is essentially the anti-Dane Cook doesn't mean he's funny. That's all. Thanks.

In this economy, it's a bad idea to invest so heavily in private jets.-BK

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