Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tossed apart.

QT is at it again! YESSSS!!! I grew up on The Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Heroes, and Where Eagles Dare, and this is in their grand tradition. Midnight showing for me!

It looks like it's going to continue to be an awesome decade for nerds. Unfortunately, in addition to being a nerd, I'm also a film buff, which leaves me concerned about the quality of adaptations I'm nonetheless totally excited about seeing...

Lee and Josh burst into the place we were eating post-hilarity Tuesday night and sang me happy birthday while Lee played his banjo. It was awesome. I'm not sure if Lee really understands how devastatingly funny and good his music is. Josh is no comedic slouch either.

SHRIMP from krullbeast on Vimeo.

I've watched that video at least twenty times. It just kills me.

Look for me and other hilarious PGH comics on February 21st at Gorman's Pub. It's going to be a great time! Come out, laugh, and blow off some of that stress. What else are you gonna do, kill your family out of shame? It'll feel good to come out and laugh, like a weight's been removed from your shoulders. How good? Remember that time in high school when your girlfriend went to the doctor and found out her period was late because of her poor diet and drug use and not because of that other reason? That good. Come out!

The mother of those octuplets is disgusting, and a red hot metal implement of some sort should be inserted into her vagina until resistance is encountered, and then inserted a little farther. Her children are doomed to lead cursed lives because of her many, many mental disorders and delusions. Fuck that bitch, fuck the sperm donor, fuck her stupid parents, and most importantly FUCK ANY DOCTOR WHO HELPED HER CONCEIVE!

Have a shot!-BK

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