Monday, February 23, 2009

Fast against the wall.

Spent a good portion of my day yesterday watching wrestling on YouTube, prompted by my homie KonkDaddy's post.

As a lad/preteen, I thought wrestling was cool because of the stories. It's like a soap opera for men. As a jaded teenager/young adult, I sort of grew away from it, but I'd still give the physical ability of the performers credit. As a fully grown man-child, I really love and admire the ability of the performers, although I rarely watch anymore.

Wrestlers, good ones at least, are incredibly multifaceted and talented performers. In addition to brute strength, wrestlers move with incredible agility and athleticism for men their size,(ever see a main event superstar under 225 pounds or so?) and if you've ever seen a good pay-per-view title match, you know they have killer, almost inhuman endurance.

But that's not all. Wrestlers have to sell themselves 24/7. Whether they're a face or a heel, they need to make their respective public believe in/hate them with all of their heart. Imagine going to work and hoping to get booed all day long. Crazy.

Wrestlers wrestle hurt.

They travel incessantly.

Most careers are short.

Props to the wrestlers. Mad props, yo.


Caught the last bits of the Oscars last night. Sean Penn is a classy-ass dude, and hell of an actor, but I really thought either Brad Pitt or Mickey Rourke deserved the Best Actor honors a bit more. One can only hope Mickey Rourke can get a few more roles playing characters of substance instead of generic bad guys.

Random excerpt from a conversation I was having with a friend: "I'd fuck Lisa Loeb in front of my in-laws."

I don't have in-laws, but still, I'm inclined to agree with him. Lisa Loeb makes Tina Fey look like a common street walker.

Home inspection completed. Home is structurally sound and free of pests. One step closer to whatever I'm heading towards.

I can't turn left here. Left does not exist.-BK

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