Thursday, February 19, 2009

Drew a firearm during league play.

Helen's Kitchen Tofu Steaks. Super good. Two thumbs up. In fact, if I could somehow surgically graft functioning thumbs onto my forearms, I'd put those up too. I may dice one up and stir-fry some shit with it tomorrow.

I need to buy Bocelli's stuff. I think this song is about getting a blow job behind a gas station, but I'm not 100% sure. I do know that it's beautiful to the ear.

This is about the time they tag-teamed the U.S. Women's soccer team's towel girl in Turin(o), I'm certain of it.

Europeans have real culture, and adore real talent, instead of just perfect, bodacious, tits and pearly white teeth. They don't think they're better than Americans, they know it!

Boy I tell ya, some people have all the luck. Or just no shame.

Infinite is just a word.-BK

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