That, ladies and gentlemen, is the proper way to get up to some tomfoolery. Totally hilarious.
My yearly battle with the Tax Man has once again been fought. As it is every year, for every person making less than 100k or so, I lost. 9.8 percent of my income paid directly to the federal government, in addition to the state and city taxes I pay. Grumble.
This is why I virtually never give the homeless people or religious organizations money. My tax dollars, whether I want them to or not, pay for wars, welfare, and police forces, in addition to PA's marvelous road system.
The one religious organization I never have a qualm about giving money to is The Salvation Army, simply because I've never felt evangelized by them, and because their financial records(allocation of money) are pretty impressive.
I'm listening to Anthrax as write this. Just a reminder to the average reader of my blog: I'm awesome.
All my complaints sink to nothing if that can happen.-BK
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