Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stay home and watch TV.

Big day yesterday. Bigger day Monday, with an exciting week to follow. Stay tuned, and cross your fingers for me.

I'm thinking of opening a Twitter account, even though I believe quite firmly that less is not always more, but I think my genius will transfer with few problems. I can kick more ass with 160 characters than a lot of folks who's "Twitters" have made their way into the Benosphere. That's right cockfaces, the Benosphere. Sit there and take it. I don't even have to tell you to do it, because you will. You're American after all, and that's just what we do. We take copious amounts of other people's banal shit. To a point.

How many of you kids are down with/on/upon Twitter? Good idea or bad? Input! Need input!


Grocery shopping went normal yesterday. Sort of, at least, because my dad happened to be there. I have three to five more times the amount of things than I normally have, but I didn't pay, so I am not about to complain. I can't see the back of my freezer, actually. MorningStar boxes far and wide. He even cleaned my kitchen(the state of which "squalor" was too kind a word to describe) while I slept! I awoke briefly, was pissed, then realized the noise was from someone doing something for my benefit with no payback necessary, and fell back asleep for a bit.

Uh... WOW!

What the hell is wrong with me? I've been reading far too much this year. I might as well just subscribe to a supermarket tabloid or watch Fox News with this damned addiction to utterly fluffy news!

I was on the fence about my ritualistic Saturday night social endeavours last night. Decided to stay in and watch some of the ridiculous porn I've pulled out of the claw machine at The Smiling Moose. That's right, my favorite bar on Earth has a claw machine with pretty much nothing but porn, sex toys, and stuffed(no pun intended) animals. They were good for a laugh, but I didn't find myself very eager or willing to "blow off any steam" to them, if you get my drift. If you don't get my drift, I mean I was unable to masturbate to them. However, I will keep them around for two reasons: One is that I am not a quitter. To is that but will keep them in the collection for possible clandestine insertion(pun intended) into DVD players at random house parties. I live for fun, and I live quite well.

That isn't included.-BK

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