Friday, February 13, 2009

Not without my daughter.

I was very tired yesterday. Got out of my second shift in order to accomplish some house buying-related business, and almost fell asleep at the wheel at least three separate times on my way home. It probably wasn't advisable to be listening to Mogwai when in such a state. Mogwai does rule like an audio Alexander though.

I've said it before, I'm sure I'll say it again, and I'll say it right now. Thanks for reading. My magical counter keeps on climbing as the weeks go by. If you're new, welcome. If you're old, thanks. If you're neither, what are you, and why are you doing this to me!?

The UK does it better.

Surprisingly different weather yesterday. Sunny and fair. But breezy. Really breezy. Which sucks, as the sandy grittiness on the ground at PIT decided to let itself blow around and abrade my face. There was a miniature sandstorm on the ramp yesterday. Bad times, but the "summer day in fourth grade" blue skies and puffy clouds sort of made up for it.

My sister used the word "pumped" in a Facebook status update yesterday. That is the penultimate "jock" term. I don't believe I've ever written the word in reference to being excited. I know goddamn good and well I've never used it aloud in that context. Jocks and their weird language. I would explore it more deeply, but the primitive moans and surly grunts emanating from the nearest Hooters location always wards me off. Perhaps I should attempt to make contact with their culture via an offering of mass quantities of beer with the world "Lite" on the label?

I've decided to start an evangelical Christian Eighties cover band. We're calling ourselves "Jeers for Queers." Har har har. God I suck.

Jeremy Lusk died from injuries he suffered in this crash. He died doing what he loved to do, what made him happiest in the world. We should all be so lucky. Whether it's flipping a motorcycle, teaching a class, or water skiing, we should all be so lucky. He was 24 years old. Think of him and the risks he knew he took the next time pushing yourself seems a little scary. He risked his life to live his life. We should all be so lucky.

That's that.

And this is this.-BK

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