Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It has a little keyboard on it.

Every Monday is fast turning into movie night for some friends and myself. It's fun. That's the point of my life, the end search, simple fun. The intent is to watch movies that are somewhat off center and intriguing. Last night, we watched Buddy Boy, which is definitely a nice little head trip of a film.

I won a Dick's Sporting Goods gift card at my work's holiday party. Since I'm not much for physically activity that ain't comedy, cycling, or sex-related, I wondered the store for a while in silent contemplation of the best way to waste the ten plastic dollars in my pocket. I decided to buy a knife, as knives are awesome, as we all know.

I've been cutting things like a motherfucker. Envelopes. Tofu. DVD wrapping. Kittens. etc... Very manly and empowered.

Speaking of cutting, I'll keep cutting up crowds tonight at The Smiling Moose, Thursday at St. James Place Tavern, and Saturday at Milestones in Brentwood. It's going to be a gay old time. Sodomy and interior decorating not included, but provided at an extra charge.

His comedy is years ahead of even the best of his peers. No one, ever, has done material on family life as raw and brutally honest as he has.

Foot continues to maintain a status of "fucked up." Off of work another week. I may need to procure more books and create more elaborate masturbatory fantasies. I'm thinking Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List meets The View.

Since I was in the neighborhood, fat, and hungry, I went to breakfast after my appointment. Chocolate chip blueberry pancakes with a side of spicy hash browns and a Dew. If I keep it up, my network television debut may be on Oprah, where I'll appear live via-satellite from my home, which by that time, I will not have left in three or four years. They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

I've always really loved the lyrics to this song, and the simplicity of it's composition. I sang along to it in the car today. I always get really, really pissed when DJ's talk over the intro to songs, right up to the point where the lyric kicks in. It aggravates the shit out of me. I don't think Berlin, as a group, said "let's make sure Johnny Records has time to talk about a breast cancer 5K here."

I've watched 14,007 YouTube videos in about the span of two years. Christ.

I was grown in a government lab to save all of mankind from themselves.-BK

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