Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You know that once I start I cannot help myself.

I ate out all three meals yesterday. Bad!

Dinner with an interesting assortment of folks and a brief set of new stuff at the Moose last night. "Jew who moves to Texas" was a huge hit. Overall, it was an excellent evening, save for the legions of Griecos and Bleeths on the South Side celebrating Fat Tuesday. Ed Hardy's art, once iconic, is now totally repulsive. What I wouldn't give to have a flamethrower and immunity sometimes.

I guess I wouldn't give my arms. I'd need those to work the flamethrower.

I did not celebrate Fat Tuesday any differently than I normally celebrate Tuesday. I had some beers, ate some tasty food, told some jokes, and remained awesome.

Talked about this with an online friend last night. Lol'ed heartily for a bit.

Got my hair cut yesterday. I think it's too short, but time will tell. Which makes no sense, as, with time, my hair will be longer. Oh god.

I'm finally getting around to getting my video camera fixed. Look for more expletive-filled filth to hit YouTube in March sometime.

A master wordsmith.

I'm so bored that I'm writing a rock opera about my ceiling.-BK

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