Saturday, February 14, 2009


Double shift into a single shift. Very little sleep, but I get to nap when I get home later. I can do it. No real time to write anything for today, but I did start on a "what do I do all day?" blog that's super-fantastic. It will be up tomorrow or Monday. As Samuel L. Jackson uttered, cigarette dangling from his lips in Jurassic Park: "Hold on to your butts."

Ms. Sorsha. Damn. Mmmm.

"Peck" is kind of an awesome slur. Maybe the best slur of all time. Still a slur though. Bummer.

I was looking for a good T-Rex clip, because T-Rexes are fucking awesome, but this came up, and it's too fantastic for you not to click on! How did Weird Al ever get claymation money?

It lacks the pep it had before it went to the shop. WTF with both a question mark and exclamation point.-BK

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