Friday, February 6, 2009

Terrell Suggs.

I turn twenty-five years old today. A quarter of century, and very likely, more than a quarter of my life has passed.

Birthdays don't normally invoke a lot of deep thought from me, as I'm not big on commemorating days on calendars every year, but this one snuck up on me and punched me in the stomach of my brain.

A journey back, an examination of the present, and a vision of a future have been running though my head in the last day or two.

Ten years ago, I was a freshmen in high school. I was on the forensics(debate) team that year, but chose not to continue with it in order to focus on smoking more weed and sleeping in on the weekends. I had just quit Scouting abruptly, and had a dreadfully mundane social life. Things were about as bad as they'd ever been. I do credit my involvement with forensics with starting my interest in comedy. Original Comedy was not my event, but I'd watch it, and know that I was funnier than anyone else in the room, for sure and for certain. At that point, I'd started to sneak into the city and talk my way onto a bar show every few months. I told no one, as comedy was(still is) something I do for me, and me alone.

Today, at twenty-five, I can very honestly say that I did not expect to be where I am in my life. I can say that I'm very happy I'm here though. I've lived in different parts of the U.S., met, and continue to meet people from all walks of life and ethnicities, and realize only now how special and, dare I say it, "blessed" my life has been to this point. I have never had a serious medical condition, chemical addiction I couldn't kick fairly easily, or problem I didn't have resources to solve.

Ten years down the line, I'll be thirty-five. Will I be married? Children? Divorced? I don't know. I honestly don't care, or care to think much about it. I don't have a life plan. I can only hope to still be doing comedy and have some retention of my youth and spirit.


These made me laugh so hard. So hard. Not cruelly either. More like "Pugs are the Danny Devito in Twins of dogs." The only dog shorter than knee height I'd consider actually owning.

I ate a whole pizza. It was my birthday gift to myself. It was good. For Pennsylvania pizza.

This helps me out in a big way. Owe you two.-BK

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