Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not even close.

Michael Phelps likes the green. The green has not ever killed anyone, or given them an unfair advantage. Leave the man alone.

One of the best songs from the Godfathers of emo. People who think Pete Wentz writes deep, introspective, lyrics are sheltered morons and/or having a tough junior year of high school. Jimmy Eat World is ten times better than any band that bastardizes the genre and music they helped to create. The best thing to come out of Arizona besides Raising Arizona.

The Moose was super fun last night. Did some very golden oldies from the vault and some new stuff, which needs a little more polishing, but the highlight of the night for me was Chuck. It was Chuck's FIRST TIME EVER last night and you couldn't ask for a better first set. He says he's gonna come back. He should, because if he doesn't he's going to catch holy hell from me, since we work together. I firmly believe standing on a stage to do stand-up for your first time is one of the hardest things one can do in the performing arts. Comedians don't have a backup singer or DJ. They have to carry their entire performance by themselves. Props to Chuck and props to anyone else who's ever gotten on stage not for simple attention, but for the art of the game.

Then, we ate Cambodian food. It was delicious, and the gas I'm expelling this morning is quite pungent and rather tangy. Sweet.

There are logic-defying tricks in here. I especially like how he rides with his bars backwards for a bit. Rad song too.

That about does it for this day. A day among many.

It's not feasible.-BK

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