Monday, February 2, 2009

Limo with a hot tub.

Man what a day yesterday. Went to work, got out early, got to the bar in time to catch the last three quarters of the game. Mega-awesome.

I saw this and almost creamed myself. Luckily, I had prior knowledge of the movie's existence. Still though, it was close.

So excited to see The Baroness, Destro, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Heavy Duty, Scarlett, and motherfuckin' Cobra Commander on the big screen. Even if it sucks, it's going to be awesome!

Now you know too, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!!!!

Statham rules so hard. This commercial makes Audi, one of my favorite car companies in terms of design, even sweeter.

This made me laugh out loud. "Cottage cheese-like mush." Great. Possibly the best ad of the night. I'm very happy that Alec Baldwin never moved to Canada like he said he would.


In non consumption-related news, both of my shows on Saturday night were awesome. Good crowds, a new joke that hit HUGE, and free beer. Things are going great, and they're only getting better.

The house search continues this week.

I ain't got time to recite lines from Predator verbatim.-BK

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