Monday, February 16, 2009

Shadowboxer baby!

Foot still hurts. A lot. Visit to the company clinic is in store for later this afternoon. Not excited.

On the way home from work (which I left early from, due to pain) I stopped at Giant Eagle for a few provisions. Because I had nothing else to do and a gift card to deplete, I browsed the movie section. Low and behold, I found a copy of the original version of The Hitcher, starring C. Thomas Howell and the incomparable Rutger Hauer for only six bucks!

This is one of those overlooked films that never gets it's props, even from movie nerds. In short summation, kid picks up hitcher. The hitcher is crazy. Kid ditches hitcher. Hitcher says "aw hell no!" or something to that affect, and starts stalking the kid whilst continuing to gruesomely murder people(including an entire family). Jennifer Jason Leigh suspended between a running semi tractor and large, heavy, stationary object. It ends badly. Kid and hitcher have final showdown in desert. See it.

"Hi kid."

A lot of movies from the Eighties used the American desert as a marvelous background. They don't seem to do that much anymore. Perhaps "they" consider it cliche? I just think it looks really cool and adds to the theme of isolation that many of the films carry. Can you name other films with awesome desert backdrops?

That's right! You're ever so smart! The Wraith is hella-cool! Know of any more?

"Slam" by Onyx is somehow, someway, on my computer. I'm not sure what to make of this. Is it a desperate attempt to hold onto a rapidly fading sense of youth, or just a nice song to work out to?

I am getting old though. You wanna know why? I no longer view forty as "old."

I had a generic lentil loaf for dinner and the following day's lunch a few days ago, which put this man's songs into my head for a bit. He can fucking SING!

That was some hot patootie-style awesomeness right there!

Men of a certain age and choice in front lawn accoutrement still wear their hair like that without any sense of irony here in Pennsylvania. I think it's one of the reasons I like living here.

I used to get baked into another dimension and listen to Bat Out of Hell for hours on end. I always got super-paranoid listening to regular stoner music, so I'd listen to stuff like this, Donna Summer, or Abba, and watch The Terminator, heavily edited for basic cable. No point to that story, but it happened. Used to get stoned to Celine Dion songs too. Fuck you for judging me!

Saw The International yesterday. Other than a rad Guggenheim shootout scene, and nice locations/backdrops, it sucked. Like the last Bond film, the characters, especially the bad guys, were uninteresting and the viewer couldn't really hate them. Hence, he couldn't really root for the good guys and invest emotion in the film. Should have gone to see Coraline.

Not just a studio creation. Great adaptation! I'm throwing my Katy Perry fandom out and moving Lady Gaga into my third or fourth tier female dance/pop singer section. It exists in the library in my head. It's confusing even to me. I can't explain it.

They are embarrassing themselves and insulting his intelligence.-BK

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