Monday, June 2, 2008

All your ducks in a row.

Some days, I wish I had to poop more.

I do about twenty-five percent of my reading in the bathroom, and some days I just don't get to read more than five or six pages of the book I'm working on. It's a good thing I have a sharp memory and a penchant for killing hours at the park, under a tree, my bike napping contentedly beside me.

Which reminds me, I need to wash my bike.

I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow, because I want to. No extremely special reason. I just feel like not working tomorrow.

Dane is healing slowly. It's kind of like an inverted scab. Still hurts a good bit, but he has not reopened himself in two days, so hopefully no more bloodstained pillowcases in the morning.

Dancing was fun yesterday. It was only one other person and myself, but the tunes were especially tasty, it was nice and dark, and very cool and not smoky at all. I am actually having way more fun dancing sober than I thought I would be. I did drink water though, but I didn't have to pee at all. Sweaty and gross. I love "sweating through" clothing, whether I'm riding a bike, working, or dancing. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. That's weird, but whatever.

In fact, I have decided to extend the self-imposed booze sabbatical indefinitely. It wasn't about getting drunk everyday, it was about getting totally obliterated everyday, and I suspect that's not too healthy, so until certain private aspects of my life are more pleasing and manageable, I will not be drinking.

I am writing my first parody song, to the tune of "Love Song," by the Sara Barielles(sp?) I heard this song 9 times during my shift the other day, and just began writing alternate verses off the top of my shiny noggin. The title and main chorus? "Not gonna write you a dick joke." It's a fun little exercise, nothing more.

Wait a fucking minute! Shania Twain's husband cheated on her? Why?! That's like, possibly the dumbest act a man has ever committed!

This is an oldie but oh, so, so goodie!

Look for me there. I'll be the one who's totally awesome.-BK

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