Sunday, June 22, 2008

A bit of a pickle here.

Worked briefly, and decided to come home and spent time doing something constructive. I lay in bed thinking of something to do, and it hit me! Stay in bed and watch Heat! Will my genius ever find a boundary?!?

The masters at work...

Mr De Niro explains how he did what he did in the above scene...

On my way home from work, driving down the highway, this song was on the radio, and my alto matched his baritone quite nicely.

There I was just cruising along the Parkway, and I notice what appears to be a large German Shepherd or Huskie of some sort on the side of the road..

"Don't walk into the motherfucking road," I say aloud, to no one in particular.

It stopped, and looked both ways, and then I realized it was a BEAR!!!!

A black bear. Young. Maybe 150 pounds. 12 miles from downtown Pittsburgh.

Nature rules!

I'm not making up the part about Barry White either.

Dancing my ass off in a few hours.

I don't care.-BK

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