Sunday, June 15, 2008

Crossed lines.

Show went alright earlier. I was funny. Unfortunately, as is too often the case in this fair Steel City, only six people were there to witness it. Three weren't comedians. Two of those were my friends, and I thank them for coming. They know who they are, and they are cooler than most, but not cooler than me, as that is something no one can be. Ever.

Then I went home, ate some grilled cheese with some salsa, and went fuckin' dancin'! It was very fun, and sweat pooled inside of my latex gloves.

I am living on thirty dollars until Friday. Let's make magic happen!

I would like to take some time today to reiterate and confirm my undying allegiance to Coldplay. I have never seen any member of this band wear a shirt promoting any product, which I think is rad. They write and compose outstanding songs. Songs that, in this day and age of disposable pop artists, never quite seem to get old and lose their luster. They play live, without support musicians, and despite being arguably the "biggest band in the world," have a great sense of humor and retain their private lives.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

Exhibit C. (Hilarious, and one of my favorite songs.)

Afraid your cool friends won't like you for liking Coldplay? Your friends aren't cool if they can't appreciate Coldplay. Kill them all!

My nails grow faster in the summer.

More overtime planned for this week, because I have a long weekend next weekend. I plan to loaf the fuck out of it!

I should get around to seeing that movie about the angry green man who walks somberly up the road at the end, but I am poor, so I'll wait.

Your guess is as good as mine.-BK

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