Friday, June 20, 2008

Bet on it, bitch.

More people need to own Smashing Pumpkins recordings. Their "look" around 96-01' was the bee's knees.

This is rock and roll.

Smack and kisses.

I am so tired. I seriously considered sleeping in my car for an hour or two at the airport, but body odor and the desire to feed the ever hungry maw meant a sleepy drive home. I'm not totally exhausted, obviously, because I have the time to do this banal little composition for you guys.

"People who are afraid to go to horror movies are generally afraid their whole lives. People say to me, 'Do you have nightmares?' I never have nightmares! And I go to movies and see the most bizarre things in the world, and go... Wow that is really sick, how fun is that! And I don't have to carry it around. I think that's very healthy." - Stan Winston

If you went to the movies some time in the last twenty-five years, and found yourself stunned by the effects and creatures, he probably had something to do with it. Rest In Peace or whatnot.

And now it is time for me to lay my head upon the pillow, and drift away to sleep.

Q'doba forks are clearly the superior, and correct, choice.-BK

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