Saturday, June 14, 2008


A reader wrote to me and asked me what I hope to accomplish and/or gain with/through the blog. World domination, a cure for douchebag, and comfortable wealth aside, I'd be happy with a sloppy blow job. Takers?

In truth, I just enjoy the fact that I can take a few minutes of my day to create something.

This is cool.
Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart

Death Cab makes me want to support PBS and wear my pea coat in July. Good thing I only like small, easily controllable doses of them. Oh, and I've been down with them since way before you wear. I'm mad indie, but I'm not a pretentious dick about it. Except for just now, and other rare occasions.

It was all rainy and shitty today at work, and probably other places too, but I only noticed it at work.

I missed dancing Thursday night, and my body feels weird. What little rhythm I can call me own seems to be off a smidgen this week.

Slapsticks! tomorrow. The Shadow Lounge on Monday. Get it son!

I made a cripple/paraplegic sex joke today at work, and I felt a sense of shame. It passed quickly, but it has caused significant concern. I mean, everyone laughed, but did they laugh at the material, or the absurdity? Did they know a lot of my joking around contains truths? Don't leave me in a room alone with a retard, OK?

See it. It is, sadly, forgotten in the collective consciousness of nerds for some reason. A masterpiece!

Just livin'-BK

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