Saturday, June 21, 2008


I had the worst pizza ever tonight. Although there is no such thing as bad pizza, this pizza was most certainly sub-par. I even changed my standards from "Chicago" to "Western PA," and it still sucked!! Not enough of anything really, and the dough was too bread like. I still ate six slices though.

I ate three more an hour later, just to be sure of my opinion. It stands.

I have an inkling that an overtime Indian Summer is upon me. 28 hours in two days, not counting my regular hours. Get it while it's hot, I suppose.

Shopping tomorrow. I need, uh, basically everything, and a blue tie. I want to find a solid blue tie.

Sometimes, you just gotta watch some ninjas.

Samurai have honor, sure, but the ninja do not have to ritually disembowel themselves if dishonored. Sign me up for throwing star lessons.

On the other hand, the samurai have a penchant for arterial spray.

Then again, ninjas love pizza, just like me!

More when the sun goes back down again.

Clarence Carter, Clarence Carter, Clarence Carter, ooooooooooo... SHIT! Clarence Carter.-BK

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