Sunday, June 22, 2008

I heart rock and roll.

A great time was had earlier tonight.

Hanzel und Gretyl played in Pittsburgh tonight, and I haven't seen a band play harder, faster, and with more heart since I saw Slayer in Denver.

If you rock, and enjoy rocking, Hanzel und Gretyl is not to be missed. The lyrics are in German, but the metal, oh, the metal transcends language!! Turn off your thought center, and throw your fucking fist into the air!

The other bands, opener Agnes Wired For Sound, and direct support, Ohio's Living Dead kicked copious amounts of ass as well. Support local, indie music. It's worth it!

This music would be more popular if more people weren't afraid to like it.

I was dressed totally awesome, as were my friends, and about 15% of the other folks there. Dressing cool is part of being cool. Granted, it will never make you cool, but it will start you along the road to coolness.


The Incredible Hulk was much, much better than I had expected it to be. You will be entertained if you see it. Tim Roth is still cooler than Samuel L. Jackson.

This song is so great!

I'm drunk, and I'm happy.

Back to slapping overtime in the face and destroying my body all week.

When I'm serious, you'll feel it.-BK

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