Thursday, June 12, 2008

Zero Cool lives in us all!

Hackers was on at work tonight, and I got to thinking, as I often do.

I was eleven years old when it came out, and probably saw it(and possibly my first boob) at twelve, when it hit cable in heavy rotation.

This movie was remarkably important. It essentially introduced modern electronic music to America through it's soundtrack, let us all see Angelina Jolie's boobs for that oh-so-sweet second or two, and is possibly the first use of "shitty message typing" i.e. "u" in film, among many other cool things.

My favorite quote:

The Plague: There is no right and wrong. There's only fun and boring.

This movie was all about shiny shirts, motorcycle jackets, rollerblading everywhere, illegal payphone usage, and fighting the Man.

Thankfully, rollerblading died out.

Although most of the stuff in this film is now outlandishly dated and mostly only good for a laugh, it's still a must see. The story is tight, and the film has a really cool look and pace to it. Check it out.


The overtime god seems to have noticed me. She exposed Herself, and offered Here supple, sweet bosom to me. It looks like I will be suckling an additional eight hours in the next few days. Perhaps even double that. The taste is good. She's groaning a little, but that is to be expected, as I am good with my teeth.

Dan Deacon - Crystal Cat

I should shower before I fall asleep, but I need to some sort of incentive to change sheets in the morning.

Dude, it's only gay if you don't get payed in trade or cash to do it. You should be alright.-BK

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