Show went awkwardly tonight. It was alright though. In Pittsburgh, you take what you can get. Unfortunately, I got severely thrown off course and terminated my set before I did much more damage to my psyche. It was one of the worst sets I've done in Pittsburgh. I guess that's how it is. The ebb and flow of comedy is such a bitch to deal with. This was probably the most I'd wanted to get drunk since I gave up drinking a few weeks ago now. I was so close to ordering a beer. So fucking close. I am mad at myself for wearing shorts, wearing a shirt with a business on it, and for failing in general. The four mile bike ride and sweat did not help things either.
This is Bill Blair. It's Bill's fourth time doing stand-up. Bill Blair is very, very, very funny. He has a great connection with the crowd, and a very laid back, cool style of delivery. I guess you could describe his comedy as "smooth."
I hope Bill sticks with it, because we don't have enough comics of his age and race. I'm not saying old and African American, I'm saying either. This town needs more diversity in it's comedians. 70% of us seem to be in our twenties, white, and of similar socioeconomic backgrounds. Now back to the show...
Greg Gerken is pretty funny. I'd seen him around a few times but never paid his comedy much attention. After tonight, I will start to watch him throw down. That's what Greg did tonight, he threw down. He came out after I ate shit and turned the room into his bitch. Great crowd work.
Mitch Mekulsia is new to Pittsburgh, and is still getting a little used to the lack of energy and attention a lot of our crowds are famous for. I really like to watch Mitch, because as a veteran and a smart comic, his routine is truly original and well put together.
The host and organizer was none other than world famous local comic Steve Swanson. He was hosting, so he did not do a full set, but he was funny while he was up.
After the show, Steve asked if I wanted to go with him to see moe. play a free show a few blocks from the venue. We caught the last half hour or so. I'd never seen moe. before, but I'd heard a bit about them. Not my particular taste in music, but very tight onstage. Their audience seems to be mostly undergraduates smoking pot, none of whom shared any with Steve, which made him very, very sad. There was enough scraggly facial hair and torn clothing at this show to give Pittsburgh's homeless a chance to look around and feel "normal." Come to think of it, I should have taken a picture.
I gotta work tomorrow, in the morning. Goddamn it.
Strange, sweaty, socially awkward things are afoot at the Circle K.
You're in the Strip District.-BK
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