Sunday, June 8, 2008

If herpes had a sound, it would be similar to Kid Rock.

Ugh. I hate it when you clean off in the shower, get out, and start sweating immediately because of all the humidity in your closet-sized bathroom.

New Ben Kenny man rule: If it's above 85 degrees, I'm free balling. You know, "going commando." Basically, I'm opening the windows and letting the wind go through my loins.

Plotting my return to the day shift for the month of July. I'm looking forward to eating breakfast before eleven in the morning again.

In case you're racist, or just want to vote for someone with an actual agenda that makes sense, Ron Paul is still running.

I'm super excited about attending Pittsburgh Pride this year. I missed it last year. Few things on this earth, that are non sexual in nature, are more fun than attending a Pride parade! Except for maybe watching this...

There are 10.2 million views of the above clip. There's no way ten million people watched that clip, I'd say more like a million people watched it 10.2 times each. Sad, lonely, pathetic fuckheads like me and now, you.

This is too rad for words. Get out of your computer chair and DANCE!!!

Technologic - Daft Punk

Hosting at Slapsticks Saturday. I'm looking forward and pushing through, getting stronger. Let's take some artistic risks.

Hot indeed.-BK

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