Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I had an awesome time dancing yesterday, but upon returning home, was faced with the news of George Carlin's death, which kind of deflated me for a little while..

Dancing was, as mentioned above, an awesome time. We were on the second floor of the bar, and although only myself and another where dancing, our jumps and stomps were significant enough to shake the bottles on the first floor. The bouncer had to ask us to stop jumping, which is really, really, really cool if you think about it. A bouncer, forced to ask non-drunk people to stop having fun! It's always cool to see drops of your own sweat on a dance floor! Great, actually. I rocked my combat boots on the floor last night, and I should really rock them more often. They rule.

Horrible dance music isn't horrible to me. Get fucked.

My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult

Kylie Minogue is better than Janet Jackson.

Hopefully more overtime this week, even though I've been desperately trying to get tomorrow off in order to have dinner with some friends, but it looks like I'll be having original Easy Mac and PB&J for one in the conference room. Again. Also, I have to miss a new open mic I'd been looking forward to attending. IF I can wrangle some overtime tomorrow night, I can make the day worth it, and I might be able to not be in a shit mood for the whole fucking week.

While aimlessly riding my bike through Pittsburgh today, I stopped in a used movie/music store. I found this film on DVD, and I'm fairly certain I would've shat my pants if I hadn't pooped before going out! I love rediscovering the beloved films of my childhood!



It's actually just Ben, not Benny. Not ever, if you can help it.-BK

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