Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Not gonna get us.

I hate working when I'd rather be doing something else. Which is pretty much all the time. Wow, I hope my "Master of the Obvious" degree isn't delayed in the mail.

I did manage to grab a brief, late snack and a beer with some coworkers before returning home in preparation for twelve hours of fun tomorrow.

My friends Susan and John are very cool people, and I've just sort of realized that today. As coworkers, we are always friendly to each other, but they are the kind of people that make me want to try harder in my day to day life. John and Susan are both vegetarians(like myself), foster & rehabilitate animals, volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter, and spearhead the recycling program at work. They never look for accolades or special treatment of any kind. They are just plain old good, infinitely likable, cool people, and I'm happy to have them in my life.

I am a big pussy, but I'm comfortable with it. The Cure forever!

I have watched this dozens of times, and I still find it to be absolutely awe inspiring and amazing.

I spend a large amount of time thinking about being naked. A psychologist would tell me I have deep-seated body image issues, and/or a fear of intimacy, but I tell myself that I'm just a fucking human being. I'm right. Plus, I don't bill out at two hundred dollars an hour.

I might have found a suitable tie, for those of you in the know. The chances are about fifty-fifty.

Ideas are being solicited for a Johnny Depp theme party costume. Apparently, everyone is already going as Hunter S. Thompson, which shits on my proverbial lawn, as I am bald, and that was the first thing that came to mind. It must be a Johnny Depp character, film unimportant. If you say "Jack Sparrow," I'm going to find you, torture you, and make you watch this. Over and fucking over. Again and fucking again. Horrible.

Listen, this isn't the Air Force Reserve, this is Southwest.-BK

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