I ended the sabbatical tonight. I drank a beer. Just one beer, nothing special about it. It was excellent. Party on.
Got a double on overtime tomorrow. Guess who's eating bean burritos and baby carrots all day and night.
I cancelled my long weekend of fun and debauchery in favor of working extra hours. Jesus Christ, I'm growing up!
My belly button is getting much less "deep." I'm definitely losing weight, or tightening up my abs. One of the two.
Perfection tastes a little like generic creamy peanut butter and English muffins, with a Rolling Rock.
Writing is fun.
Big industrial/metal show on Saturday night. It's two blocks from Ben Kenny HQ, so I don't have to drive or ride my bike! Did I mention I'm drinking again?! Look for me to be dressed like an extra in a Tim Burton film and leaning against something. I'll be hanging out with a few good friends, and hopefully, making a few new ones.
I never realized how awesome the rewrite of this song is/was. Kind of touching. If you're into being touched, that is. (Non existent) Lord knows I am!
Elton John - Candle in the Wind '97
Find me someone who doesn't enjoy the smell of their own farts, and I'll find you a goddamn liar.
Sometimes, when one is driving a truck full of chemicals, urine, and feces(peanuts and corn, too), by themselves, it's ok to fart and not enjoy the smell. Really.
Finally, this gem was on the radio in the kitchen tonight. I'd forgotten how catchy the song is, but remembered how utterly horrible the rapping is. Remembered all too well, yet I could not turn it off.
Lyte Funkie Ones bringin' it.
That's enough.
No, what we need to do is shut the fuck up, and continue watching Animal House.-BK
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